
CTRL+Shift is an online collection of audio recordings, transcripts, process visualizations, and data analyses broken out from interviews conducted with 11 prominent contemporary American poets from across the United States. The project examines recent changes in writing practices that occurred due to the advent of the computer and the arrival of the digital age and investigates new modes of working with and publishing data from qualitative interview studies.

I developed this project, together with two MFA graduate student writers whose work I directed. The site was created using the static website generator Jekyll; its content and features are driven by the data files contained in the repository.

It features two tools of note, a poem generator based on YouTube video transcripts and filterable transcripts generated by csv files listing the interview transcription together with subject tags for the various sections.

Github repository of site in development: https://github.com/ctrlshifty/ctrlshifty.github.io

Final site will be: ctrl-shift.org

Front Page

Poem generator using YouTube transcription files of interviews.

Transcription pages are built using subject tagged .csv transcription files of the interviews.