Devin Becker being the webpage for Devin Becker, a librarian and poet currently living in Moscow, Idaho and working at the University of Idaho Library

University of Idaho Library Website

As Web Services Librarian, I led the re-design of the library website during the 2013-2014 academic year. We released the new site in August 2014.

  • Each page is fully responsive to screen size: We used the Bootstrap framework to make a mobile-friendly website.
  • Updated all content, design features, and access points
  • Designed with undergraduate users in mind for top level pages, and more advanced library users in mind for deeper pages and options

University of Idaho Library Digital Collections

As Digital Initiatives Librarian, I have been developing the digital collections and applications at the University of Idaho Library since 2010. We have added 30+ collections and increased traffic to our sites by over 800% during that time

Campus Collections

Gem of the Mountains Digital Yearbook Collection

Released in the fall of 2012, this collection presents the entire run of yearbooks produced at the University of Idaho, from 1903 to 2004.

  • Each yearbook has its own page featuring a magazine-like, Issuu-enabled yearbook, a selected quote, and highlighted pages
  • Users can browse the yearbooks by Spine and by Cover
  • Users are able to sponsor a year for a donation, and are able to digitally 'sign' their yearbook's page for free by filling out a form.

Campus Photograph Collection

Released in the fall of 2013 to coincide with the University of Idaho's 125th Anniversary, this collection depicts the history of campus locations through historical photographs

  • Each significant building on campus has its own page with a history, a google map location, and a cascading image gallery of all related photographs.
  • Users can browse the buildings by Map and by Timeline
  • The collection has a mobile site as well. That site features a location-responsive map that lets campus visitors use their phone to find our pages on the buildings nearest them

Journal of Rangeland Applications

In collaboration with the Rangeland Center at the University of Idaho, my colleague Annie Gaines and I designed and released an open-access journal in the Winter of 2014.

  • Customized OJS instance featuring adjusted site architecture, custom forms, and custom header
  • If a user hovers on a footnote marker in an individual article's HTML page, the corresponding citation will pop up.

Seeing Standards: A Visualization of the Metadata Universe

I used a database put together by Jenn Riley (now Associate Dean, Digital Initiatives in the McGill University Library) that detailed the various metadata standards and their strengths to design two visualizations.

The first was a large 3' x 7' poster, and the second was the same data reduced in size so as to be included in the seventh iteration of Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibition.

  • The visualization was featured by Wired Magazine
  • The visualization has also been reviewed in journals, featured in blogs, and used in class syllabi

Literary Empires: Mapping Temporal and Spatial Settings of Victorian Poetry

A visualization that I worked on as a graduate student was also included in the Places and Spaces, during the sixth iteration. That visualization can be seen at the bottom of this page.

The Map Room

The Map Room is an interactive map allows users to browse close to 10,000 of our historical images by location.

  • Named a Best of 2011-2012 Online Resource by the Internet Scout
  • When clicked, each marker displays an image and its associated metadata in a customized informational bubble
  • Users can also search the map, or limit the display via drop-down menus.
  • Map and features enabled by Google Fusion Table and Google Maps APIs
  • A variety of collection specific maps are available as well.